The faculty and staff of Twin Rivers Middle are vitally interested in the health and welfare of all students. In an effort to dispense needed medications during school hours, it is important that parents / guardians provide medication in original containers with proper documentation. No medications will be given to students unless provided by parents / guardians.
Medicines - Prescription and non-prescription medicines need to be provided in their original containers along with the Medication Administration Form.
GCPS Medical Forms Information
Students are never to have medication in their possession while attending school. All medicines, (prescription and non-prescription) are to be kept in the clinic and administered there. Students who are in possession of medication are subject to disciplinary action as outlined under Gwinnett County Public Schools Code of Conduct - Rule 7.
Asthma Inhalers - According to State Bill 472, effective 7/1/02, students may possess and self-administer this medication while at school or at a school-sponsored activity only after a parent / guardian has completed a Student Asthma Plan. A physician will need to complete a portion of this form before the medication is brought to school.