TRMS Attendance Policy
School attendance is important because it underscores the significance of learning and the importance of obtaining an education. In addition, a focus on regular attendance helps students develop good work habits that will carry over in life. Good attendance also correlates strongly with improved grades. The responsibility of school attendance is that of both parents and students. By state law, attendance in a public school, private school, or home school program is required for children between their sixth and sixteenth birthdays.
State law recognizes the following reasons as legal absences from school:
- Personal Illness
- Death in the immediate family
- Recognized religious holiday
- Absence for a court appearance
- Instances where attendance would be hazardous
On the middle school level, student attendance is marked in every class period. If students are not present in class, they will be marked absent. Students must be present at school for half the day, or three and half hours, in order to be counted present for the day. Students checking in late should be here before 12:45 in order to be counted present. Students leaving early must stay until 12:45 in order to be counted present. If a student leaves and comes back, the time gone is considered when determining absence.
Absence notes must include the following:
- The full name of the student
- The date of the absence
- The reason for the absence
Absence/doctor notes may be turned into the grade level office. You may also email the grade level clerk.
6th grade- Charlotte Jefcoat –
7th grade- Mary Youngblood –
8th Grade- Ramona Slaughter –